Monday, May 16, 2011

San Diego…No that’s NOT what it means Anchorman

I’ve had three people now tell me this line, I have to see this movie apparently. The name is actually derived from the Catholic Saint Didacus.  Shame on you all haha.  

The Zoo
San Diego is known for having one of the Best Zoos and it definitely did.  I got to see some creatures I never thought I’d ever see.  So many beauty creatures and they are all made for our enjoyment.  It brought the story of Noah to a whole new light for me and the story of Adam giving the authority to name them.  I spent most of the day there, trying to learn as much as I could, except for birds, what a boring species.  You couldn’t even see them half of the time.  I was all about the different monkeys, bears and cats. 

Mission Beach
A Very cool place, lots of surfing, kayaking and it is what I call a young persons beach.  Other beaches like Cocoa Beach were cool but mostly old people as well, it is Florida after all and the residents don't have a sales tax.  Mission Beach is surrounded by a couple of colleges and it's overall just a great atmosphere.

VIP With Fast Freddy
It was a complete fluke that I met this dude.  He played football as a wide receiver for Ohio State back in 1999...I told him "I was in 8th grade back then" haha.  He was a really cool dude, and one night I went out early and he just happen to be making friends with everybody (actually everybody already knew him), he must have taken a liken to me and my random travels, after chewing fat for about an hour he said "I'm going to make sure you get the most out of downtown San Diego."  What happens when two strong personalities collide? You get chaos and lots of fun.  He took me to some places where we didn't have to wait in line, everybody knew him, and we got free access everywhere.  Computer is about to die, but I'll tell more later.  I haven't looked him up yet, so he was either legitmately a former football player or the biggest drug dealer in San Diego.  Who knows, but he showed me a good time and I got to meet lots of people that night because of him.  But it did make me ponder something different....aging gracefully, will explain on another post.

Rough Around The Edges: Me and Sushi
After another trip to the barbershop to keep this beard under control, the ladies there (yes a lady owned barbershop again) told me I HAD to go to this place called Ra Sushi, where for happy hour you get a really good deal on Sushi food.  I’m not sophisticated at all in this department and pictures this:

I walk in, bearded, sweaty from the zoo, with a backpack and without the one thing that made me feel like a million bucks no matter what I wore, my watch.  Everybody else is in suites, dresses, as if session in Richmond just adjourned for the evening.  I approach the bar where you circle the kind of sushi you want made for you and hand it to the chef.  He makes it and gives it to you.  Everybody is using chopsticks and using them with ease and what seems like natural skill. Not me, no, I have to ask a lady beside me how to use the dag gone things.  At first, it was easy and I thought “this isn’t so bad” but somewhere between then and the end of the meal my fingers would not clasp the sticks properly. First, I dropped a piece of sushi into my lap. Then, I dropped some unknown meat into an unknown soup which splattered everywhere (I can’t tell you what I ordered, other than the shrimp sushi, I have no idea what else I got).  Frustrated by this, I grabbed one stick and started stabbing at the food, this later got annoying so finally I gave up and was the only person in the place picking stuff up by hand. “Enough of this crap” I thought.  The girl beside me could not stop laughing, I was more than happy to make her day.  Later on that evening, I was walking around looking for a starbucks so I could do some blogging and every time I came within distance of one (or so I thought) the gps on my phone would completely change saying “Rerouting”…..followed by me saying “blankedy blank blank blank!!” out loud, forgetting that I wasn’t in the car but outside…around people.  The old lady walking behind me actually laughed as I apologized.  Suddenly I realized, I was slowly becoming like the homeless people who talk to themselves.  Dear Lord.  

A friend once told me that I’m rough around the edges, I take it as a compliment J   

Adios….For Now. 


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