Friday, April 22, 2011

The Alamo

Greetings and Happy Good Friday/Easter to Everyone!

When I was a kid, I loved history and war movies. John Wayne's version of the Alamo was by far one of my favorites. I used to watch it so much, that when I had a birthday party when I turned 6, my best friend cried b/c he thought I would make him watch the Alamo...I think we watched gumby.  Anyway, seeing the Alamo in San Antonio the other day was a real treat for me since I dreamed of seeing it since I was able to read. To most, its just a historic monument which represents freedom and sacrifice, to me, it was that plus a cool way to reconnect with my childhood.  

I hope none of you cry, but here is a link to what I still think is one of the most epic battle scenes in movie history! Enjoy!

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